13 tips for writing an attractive job offer

Writing an attractive job offer


Mérédith Dubief


June 2024
minutes de lecture

In the competitive world of recruiting, writing a job offer that stands out is critical to attracting top talent. The words you choose and how you present your business are crucial in capturing the attention of candidates.

In this article, we are going to explore in detail 13 essential tips for writing an attractive job offer that will make a difference and allow you to recruit the most qualified candidates.

What is a job offer?

A job offer or recruitment announcement is a document or publication that describes in detail a vacancy within an organization. It aims to inform potential candidates about the job opportunities available within the company.

What is it used for? Why publish one?

THEJob offer fulfills several fundamental roles in the recruitment process. First, it serves as a crucial link between the company and candidates, informing them of available positions and required qualifications. It is the starting point of the relationship between the employer and the future employee.

A well-written job offer allows the company to present its culture, values, and work environment to potential candidates. It's an opportunity to engage talent, show what makes the company unique, and convince candidates to apply.

It is a strategic tool that helps businesses attract, inform and attract the best talent on the market. It is the starting point for a successful recruitment process and its careful writing is a crucial skill for human resources and recruitment professionals.

How do I write a recruitment ad?

1. Pay attention to the title of the job offer

Your job title is the first thing candidates see, so make sure it's catchy and informative.

If you are recruiting for a position of Chief of Staff on a permanent basis, prefer “Chief of staff on a permanent basis” to “Job offer for a Chief of Staff on a permanent basis”.

Use keywords such as “hires” and “CDI” to clearly indicate the type of position and the contract offered.

This technique will allow you to improve the visibility of your job offer on online job search sites (LinkedIn, Apec, Régionjob, Welcome To The Jungle, etc.) and to highlight it in the searches of your future applicants. This is essential to attract a large number of qualified candidates and the search engine will value your offer.

Your title should be clear and engaging regardless of the type of offer you offer. Whether it is an internship offer, a temporary contract, a student job, a permanent contract or a fixed-term contract, specify it.

If you do not want to include the type of contract in the title of the offer, remember to mention it in the offer as it is mandatory.

Here are some examples of successful catch phrases:

“Company X invites you to participate in its acceleration on the XXX market”

“We offer you a challenging and entrepreneurial adventure”

“You show an interest in Data technologies like...”

“What if you joined an EdTech startup that is shaping tomorrow's education?”

💡 At Skillink, we highlight 3 points that characterize the job offer at the very beginning to allow candidates to have a quick idea of the opportunity and to save them time in their search.

2. Use clear and engaging language

When you write a job offer, you think of copywriting. What is copywriting?

It's the art of selling through words. When you post new job offers, it is important to succeed in convincing the candidates who are looking for that this is the offer that suits them.

So avoid jargon and complexity when you write it. Simplify as much as possible and use plain language to describe the responsibilities of the position to be filled and the skills required.

Encourage candidates to apply by using engaging phrases and by including calls to actions such as “Apply now” or “Join our team” or”Join us”.

Be sure to include information on the application deadline, the various stages of the recruitment process, the address of your premises, whether the position is open to teleworking or only on site as well as the contact details of the recruiter in charge of the mission.

Also remember to specify whether or not you expect a cover letter for this position. Some companies ask for a CV + a cover letter when candidates apply for their offers and others only want the resume.

There is no rule, it is up to everyone, which is why it is important to specify it by mentioning it in the job offer so that candidates understand your expectations.

3. Some good habits to know!

To write a truly attractive job offer, it is essential to adopt certain best practices that will make your ad shine among the multitude of positions available.

When speaking on behalf of the company, use the pronoun “we.” This approach creates a sense of belonging, encouraging candidates to consider their place on your team.

Describe the responsibilities and skills required for the position, addressing candidates directly with the pronoun “you.” This approach personalizes the candidate experience, engaging them in a virtual conversation and inviting them to imagine their future within your company. In some contexts, the “you” may also be appropriate, especially in the Tech sector or start-ups.

Organizing your job offer is just as crucial. Be sure to structure the content clearly and logically for easy reading. Avoid overloading the ad by accumulating excessive information. Use an airy layout, using bulleted lists or concise paragraphs to make the text more accessible.

The visual aspect of your ad should not be overlooked. If possible, highlight keywords by putting them in bold to get the reader's attention.

Adding logos or other relevant graphics can also make content visually more appealing, captivating the eye of potential candidates.

When it comes to verbal tense, the present tense is often preferred for most of the announcement. It creates an impression of responsiveness and relevance, helping candidates to project themselves into their potential role within your company.

For the sections describing the required profile and future missions, using the future tense is entirely acceptable, as it allows candidates to project themselves into a possible future within your team.

By following these reflexes, you will strengthen the ability of your offer to capture the attention of candidates and encourage them to explore the exciting opportunities your business has to offer.

💡 A well-written, informative, and engaging ad is the essential starting point for attracting and selecting talent that will contribute to the continued success of your team.

4. Highlight the advantages of the company

Show what your company has to offer candidates to motivate them to join you.

Present and highlight the benefits that your company offers to its teams.

Here are some examples of benefits to highlight in your job offer:

  • The amount to be covered for transport costs,
  • The equipment made available to the future candidate,
  • The amount of the meal vouchers,
  • The telework policy,
  • Business mutual insurance,
  • Description of on-boarding (setting up a referent, training time, etc.),
  • The various team activities (team building, off-site, afterwork, etc.),
  • The accessibility of your premises for people with disabilities.

As you will have understood, the important thing is to highlight all the advantages that employees have access to once they join your company.

💡 We recommend that you keep in mind that candidates in search will have to consult several offers, so you must do everything possible to ensure that it is YOUR offer that gets their attention.

5. Describe the ideal candidate profile

When candidates see your offer, it is important that from the first seconds they can understand what the profile of your ideal candidate is.

It is important to be clear with your search criteria so that the offer is as clear as possible and shows candidates that the position to be filled has a well-defined scope.

Be transparent about the skills and qualities you are looking for. For example, if you are looking for a Marketing Manager, highlight:

  • The number of years of professional experience modicum required for the position (especially no maximum number of years, it would be discriminatory),
  • The soft skills sought: listening, good communication, creativity...,
  • The hard skills sought: video editor, mastery of the Adobe suite, mastery of social networks...,
  • The type of higher education (Bac+ X).

This list is not exhaustive. Like a cooking recipe, you need to highlight all the ingredients you need to recruit the ideal profile.

Be careful not to drown candidates with too long a list and useless skills.

💡 We advise you to improve the relevance of your job offers. You can also use keywords that are specific to the industry or function. All of this will help you attract candidates with specific experience or skills that match your needs.

Entretien de recrutement cabinet de recrutement informatique

6. Demonstrate originality and creativity

To stand out, be creative.

So that candidates can better understand how your company works and the positions that make it up, you can also link job descriptions or job sheets detailed.

These job descriptions can be accompanied by testimonies from your satisfied employees who share their experience within your company. Positive feedback from your employees can have a significant impact on your company's image and its appeal to candidates.

If you don't have a section on your website where to find The testimonies of your employees, highlight your Glassdoor profile when it's to your advantage.

Also think about the team portrait! Whether they are video portraits in which your employees talk about their position, moments of life in your company, off-sites, participation in conferences, all these moments of life that make up the life of your company.

💡 We advise you to integrate attractive visuals, to illustrate your offers that highlight your teams, your premises... This allows future candidates to be able to project themselves a little more and to humanize your company.

7. Remember to post compensation

45% of candidates say they are less likely to apply if the salary is not displayed on job offers.

To make your job offers seem attractive, it is therefore important to post the remuneration for the position offered for several reasons.

  • Transparency and trust : When you include compensation information, you demonstrate a high level of transparency to candidates. This builds trust between employer and candidates, showing that you are open and honest from the start.
  • Time-saving : by specifying the remuneration you allow candidates to immediately determine if the position meets their financial expectations. This prevents incompatible candidates from investing time in the process, which can be a time-saver for all parties.
  • Attracting suitable candidates : a job offer with a clear remuneration attracts candidates who are genuinely interested in the position and align with the salary level offered. This reduces the number of candidates who apply for financial reasons only.
  • Reduction in salary negotiations : by providing compensation at the outset, you can reduce the need for salary negotiations later. Candidates are more likely to accept the offer if it meets their financial expectations from the start.
  • Improvement of the company's image : transparent communication on remuneration reinforces the company's image as an employer that respects candidates. This can help attract quality candidates and retain employees for the long term.

However, it is important to note that in some cases, there may be legitimate reasons for not disclosing compensation in a job posting, for example, when compensation is highly dependent on the candidate's experience or skills.

💡 You are advised to indicate a salary range or mention that remuneration will be discussed in detail during interviews when you cannot give a fixed salary.

8. Do not forget the new expectations of candidates

Learn about the expectations of your candidates! Depending on the profiles of your ideal candidate for your job offer, expectations will not be the same.

For example, for tech functions or for Generation Z, teleworking is a very coveted thing.

Also think about the retention of your future candidates!

Highlight career opportunities, if you offer a training path, if you have graduate programs, hybrid careers, etc.

You can include the on-boarding steps in your job offers, so that the candidate can project himself. How long will the training last? Is there an off-boarding course, etc.

9. Make sure your job offer is gender neutral

In 2023, it is imperative that the writing of a job offer reflect the values of inclusion and non-discrimination that have become essential in our society. One of the crucial steps to achieve this is to write a job offer in a non-gendered way, that is, in such a way that it is accessible and attractive to all candidates, regardless of gender. Here are some practices for writing an inclusive and respectful job offer:

  • Use neutral words : When describing the tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications required for the job, use words and phrases that do not involve a specific gender. Avoid gender stereotypes by using terms like “the selected person” instead of “the chosen candidate” or “the ideal candidate.”
  • Emphasize inclusive writing : inclusive writing is a linguistic approach that aims to make text gender neutral. It may include the use of double-flexions (e.g. candidates) or the use of generic terms such as “candidates” instead of “candidates”. The aim is to make the text as inclusive as possible.
  • Mention (N/F/H) in the title : a transparent way to indicate that your job offer is gender-neutral is to include the initials (N/F/H) in the title. “N” means neutral, “F” feminine, and “H” masculine. This approach clearly shows your commitment to equal opportunities and respect for gender diversity.
  • Prefer the pronoun “you” : throughout the writing of the offer, opt for the use of the pronoun “you” rather than “he” or “she”. For example, “You will be responsible for” rather than “He/she will be responsible for.” This practice promotes inclusive communication and shows that the company is open to all candidates, regardless of gender or identity.

Inclusive writing of a job offer is a powerful way to show your commitment to equal opportunity and create a welcoming environment for a diversity of candidates. By adopting these practices, you increase the visibility of your business as an employer that respects diversity and attract motivated and talented candidates, regardless of gender. This approach Non-gendered also strengthens your company's reputation as an inclusive workplace, which can have a positive impact on employee retention and corporate culture.

💡 At Skillink, we use inclusive writing in all our job offers and let's adapt our discourse according to the target people for our vacancies.

10. Think of the legal notices

Don't forget the legal part associated with your job offer! For a job offer to be legal, it must respect very specific rules.

Here are some of the common legal notices to include in a job offer:

  • Company contact details,
  • Details of the job offer with the type of contract: CDI, CDD, internship, work-study program...,
  • Application procedure,
  • Information about the company,
  • Confidentiality clause,
  • Equal opportunities,
  • Legal references,
  • Application processing policy.

💡 We recommend that you prepare some job offer templates where the legal notices are integrated to avoid oversights during the recruitment period.

11. Target your offer distribution channels

To maximize the visibility of your ad and thus find the ideal candidate, it is important that your job offer is broadcast on the channels where your target candidates go.

First, you need to identify your target audience. Each post may have a slightly different target audience depending on their requirements.

For example, if you're recruiting for a software developer position, you might want to target websites and forums that specialize in programming.

For a marketing manager position, social media channels and professional marketing platforms may be more appropriate.

This also applies to the types of offers, if you are looking for people for an internship, choose platforms frequented by students such as Welcome To The Jungle, Jobteaser, LinkedIn, etc.

To save time and optimize the distribution of your job offer on several platforms, opt for multicast software.

What is multicasting?

This consists of simultaneously publishing a job offer on several job websites. This strategy makes it possible to reach a wider audience in a single step.

Some examples of multicast platforms include:

  • Beehire,
  • Beetween,
  • Recruited,
  • Softy,
  • Talents'in...

💡 We advise you to republish your ad on a weekly basis so that it can be well referenced by the algorithms and displayed during the first search results.

12. Make it easy to apply

Simplify the recruitment process as much as possible by providing detailed information in your job offer Describe the process in depth, including the number of steps, who the candidates will be in contact with, the duration of the exchanges, and whether or not practical cases are planned.

In addition, specify the location and format of the interviews. Does the entire process take place in person or do some steps take place by videoconference or telephone call? This clarification helps candidates to project themselves within your company.

💡 We recommend that you clearly indicate in your job offer how candidates can apply. You can integrate a call to action that redirects to an application form, highlight the contact details of the recruiter in charge of the position or provide the email address to which applications should be sent. The more you will be accurate and transparent, the more comfortable and excited candidates will feel about joining your team.

13. Check the effectiveness of your ad

When it comes to posting a job offer on various distribution channels, it is crucial to monitor the effectiveness of your ad to optimize your recruitment process.

Set up a follow-up, with specific KPIs that will allow you to optimize your recruitment strategy as you go about your research.

Here is an overview of the process to follow on different platforms:

  • Jobteaser : Start by setting up clear goals, such as the number of applications expected or the conversion rate of visitors into candidates. Use the personalized tracking links provided by the platform for each ad. Analyze data regularly to monitor the number of views, clicks, and applications generated by each ad. Compare these results to your goals to adjust your approach if necessary.
  • Welcome to the Jungle : Optimize your business profile by adding engaging elements such as videos, photos, and employee testimonials. Then monitor the performance indicators provided by the platform, including the number of views, the click through rate, and the number of applications. Use this data to measure the impact of your ads and make improvements based on the results.
  • Indeed : Indeed offers a dashboard that allows you to monitor the performance of your ads in real time. You can monitor the number of views, the application conversion rate, and the cost per application. Adjust your budgets and targeting according to the results to maximize your ROI (return on investment).
  • APEC : APEC offers monitoring and measurement options. Use these tools to track the number of views of your ad, the click-through rate, and the number of applications received. Pay attention to the feedback of qualified candidates to assess the relevance of your offer and make changes if necessary.

In summary, on every platform, the key lies in setting goals, using tracking links, collecting data, and analyzing performance regularly to ensure that your ads effectively reach your target audience.

💡 At Skillink, our Head of Talent Acquisition & People Ops organizes weekly meetings with his teams to present the KPIs for each offer and optimize their performance.


The writing of a attractive job offer is a crucial step in recruiting.

By adopting these best practices, you will improve The quality of your ads, attract more qualified candidates, strengthen your company's image as a respectful and inclusive employer, and increase your chances of recruiting the ideal candidate. Recruiting is a demanding process, but a well-written job offer is the first step to success.

Remember that every job offer is an opportunity to present your business and find the perfect candidate.

So, put these tips into practice to build a talented team and contribute to the growth of your business.

And if, despite all these tips, your job offer does not allow you to recruit an employee corresponding to your recruitment needs, do not hesitate to use a recruitment agency like Skillink to support you on a process of recruitment by direct approach.

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