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Recruiting training

Training you is also our job.

Improve your direct approach methods

Learn to recruit by yourself!

Train your teams to manage an ambitious recruitment plan!

Practice peer-recruiting with Recruiting Experts.

Who better than you to embody your values, represent your employer brand and carry the colors of your company high?

Because it is essential for any innovative and fast-growing structure to develop a strong know-how in recruitment techniques, we build tailor-made recruitment training courses for your HR teams allowing you to meet the specific needs specific to your industry.
For more than 10 years, Skillink has been helping Tech players recruit the best experts, managers or managers. Our recruitment training will allow you to master the most effective techniques to identify, attract and select the most qualified candidates.

Don't let your recruitment efforts go in vain, invest in recruitment training tailored to your context and conducted by experts!

A hunter who knows how to hunt:

For your HR and Hiring Managers

Our Tech recruitment training will allow your teams to better understand the ecosystem, improve their credibility and impact with Hiring Managers and candidates and optimize their overall performance through clear and proven methods.
We can also acculturate your Hiring Managers to the challenges of recruitment to strengthen their HR recruitment skills and practices and synergies with your internal recruitment managers.
Un homme animant une formation au recrutement

The theory is good...

Our firm offers recruitment training courses organized in short and adaptable modules scheduled over half-days in person (intra) or remotely.

You will be trained by experts in the Tech ecosystem and in the job of recruiter. This recruitment training is the result of our own program structured in blocks of skills and intended for the firm's consultants. It is the result of more than 10 years of experience in the field of Tech.
La formation au recrutement de vos RH

... practice too!

You will be integrated into one of our headhunting teams and will benefit from personalized coaching directly on the recruitments for which you are responsible in your company.

This unique individual support in the form of tutoring is very effective in putting into practice the knowledge and skills you will have acquired during the theoretical training modules. Our expert trainers will thus help you adapt our best recruitment practices to your own vacancies and your corporate culture!
Entretien formation au recrutement
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Don't wait for candidates to apply: be in control of your recruitment plan

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The lack of talent in Tech requires recruiters in this ecosystem to be ever more inventive and convincing to enable hyper-growth companies to achieve their development goals.

Today, a successful Human Resources Manager or Talent Acquisition Manager must know how to define a clear hunting strategy and carry out effective direct approach actions. The HR function must also know how to work on its employer brand, choose the right ATS, optimize its recruitment process, activate the co-optation channel, build talent pools: nothing is to be left to chance, but the recruiter must also know how to become a “business developer” to achieve his goals. Diverse but essential skills that our recruitment training courses focus on specifically.
palmarès Les Échos meilleurs cabinet de recrutement

Our expertise is recognized.

Skillink is among the best recruitment agencies in the Les Echos ranking with the highest distinction for the 3rd year in a row.

The expertise of the firm is certified both in the recruitment of Experts and Managers and in Executive Search. Be sure to benefit from recognized recruitment training!
Personnes en formation au recrutement

Come and learn how to:

  • Managing a kick-off
  • Challenging a need
  • Understanding a market and its businesses
  • Implement an adapted hunting strategy
  • Adopt good sourcing practices
  • Attracting Talent through your approaches
  • Carry out a screening call effectively
  • Conduct your interviews well
  • Succeed in the negotiation and closing phases
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Our customers talk about us

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“Ornikar's tech teams are growing very quickly to develop the range of services around mobility: driving school and insurance. While the tech job market has never been more competitive. Skillink was able to do well and met our needs in terms of accelerating recruitment: dynamism, perseverance and efficiency.”
Cedric Despres
CTO, Ornikar
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Discover all our services

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Specialized recruitment
Specialized recruitment

Recruit in busy jobs, secure your recruitment, save your Hiring Managers time

Executive Search
Executive Search

Strengthen your top management with a strategic profile, complete your management committee, recruit a manager capable of embodying your company (executive managers, C-Level)


Secure your sourcing, delegate all or part of your recruitment processes and reduce your costs

International recruitment
International recruitment

Find the best candidates around the world, ensure the recruitment of international profiles, recruit to support your international development

Interim management
Interim management

Quickly mobilize experienced talent, give yourself time to recruit the right person

Training your teams
Training your teams

Learn to recruit by yourself, train your teams to manage an ambitious recruitment plan, practice peer sourcing with experts.

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Perfect your recruiting methods.