Iconographie Skillink cabinet de recrutement digital 2

RPO | Recruitment Process Outsourcing

your teams
of recruitment.

Control your recruitment costs.

Benefit from an efficient and flexible service.

Enhance your employer brand.

Regardless of the quality of your products, services, and tools, it's your team that determines the success and growth of your business.

Reach your goals thanks to RPO!

RPO is a flexible solution that will allow you to recruit your talent while controlling your costs and staying true to your values and culture. An RPO consultant specializing in recruitment integrates your team for the duration of an assignment and carries out your recruitment plan.
Image femme dans un bureau en mission RPO

RPO, an innovative solution for your recruitments:

Benefit from advanced skills

Immediately operational within your team, our RPO consultants are experts and guarantee the success of your recruitments and offer significant time savings to your Hiring Managers and HR teams.

Imbued with your corporate culture, our RPO teams will be a fluid extension of your Talent Acquisition team and will represent it with the highest quality standards.
Deux collègues en start-up lors d'une mission de RPO

The major advantage of RPO: flexibility!

Our RPO missions are 100% flexible in order to specifically meet your needs. You choose the duration, the format (part time, full time), the size of the team and the seniority level of the consultants who join you on site.

The number of consultants we delegate to you can be increased or decreased according to the evolution of your recruitment plan, offering your company great agility. An experienced RPO consultant or an entire team of recruiters, it's up to you!
Photo évoquant le RPO comme solution flexible

Internalizing strategic know-how

Our RPO consultants master the tools and techniques your business needs to recruit. They offer you direct access to the latest recruitment practices and new trends in the job market.

Capitalize on all the work done by our consultants during the mission, in particular by creating a talent pool that can be used over the long term.
Deux personnes en RPO

Our RPO solution in 4 points:

A team
True Business Partners of your Hiring Managers, our RPO consultants allow your teams to free up time. They will be your best assets in the success of your project because they are at the cutting edge of recruitment techniques. Whether it is a question of sourcing or developing a more direct approach to attracting your future employees, their operational skills make it possible to secure and guarantee the proper functioning of your recruitment processes.
Our RPO consultants have a good knowledge and experience of the tools sourcing and recruitment (ATS, recruitment CRM...). If your Talent Acquisition team has not yet invested in recruitment tools, they will help you benchmark, choose and deploy the most appropriate solution for your context.
All our RPO missions start with a framework to refine the scope of our intervention. We set up with your team KPIs relevant to your goals.
The management of the RPO team or consultant is ensured by a mission manager who supervises, coordinates and optimizes the action in order to ensure the success of the mission.
A transfer of skills
No data loss! At any time and in addition at the end of the mission, we devote the necessary resources to ensure a good operational transition with your HR or Talent Acquisition teams.
We ensure that your team is in a position to take over without no loss of knowledge at the end of our intervention.
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The scope of our RPO missions is broad

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From the development of a strategic recruitment plan to the integration of candidates, our areas of intervention are broad. Depending on your needs, we support you with a very operational or more global focus.

Recruitment policy

- Elaboration of your Recruitment plan
- Optimization of your
recruitment process
- Definition and animation of a
co-option policy
- Implementation of a
diversity policy

Management of your job offers

- Needs analysis with your Hiring Managers
- Writing of
your job definitions
- Writing and distribution of
your ads
- Management of your
incoming applications and your spontaneous applications
- Treatment of
your negative feedback

Search and pre-selection of candidates

- Sourcing
- Headhunting
your highly qualified profiles
- Search for
your interns and young graduates
- Conducting interviews with
Assessment of interview skills
Creating shortlists
- Management of your recruitment agencies

Managing your recruitment processes

- Audit and optimization of your current processes
Process monitoring underway
Interview scheduling and organization of logistics
- Collection of maintenance results and
- Treatment of
your negative answers

Treatment of job offers

- Support in Definition of hiring proposals
- Preparation of job offers and sending to candidates
Negotiation with the candidates
- Realization of
pre-integration checks


- Preparation of integration calendars
- Sending integration information
Preparing for integration On site

Deployment and management of your HR tools

- Support in choosing your candidate tracking system
Assistance in deploying an ATS
- HR data analysis and reporting
- Management of GDPR compliance

Employer branding and HR marketing

- Work on theThe employer brand
- Realization of
your employer brand campaigns
- Work on
The candidate experience
HR community management

Structuring your recruitment team

- Recruiting your team by Talent Acquisition
Formation of your Talent Acquisition Managers
- Acculturation to the recruitment practices of your Hiring Managers
- Creation of a
talent pool and animation of a talent community

Consultant RPO en mission au sein d'une startup
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The latest innovations in recruitment

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Our RPO solution was created in synergy with our headhunting services and our teams of recruiters are inseparable. Our RPO consultants have access to all the tools of the recruitment firm and benefit from the support of our internal teams.

This service includes the management of the RPO consultant (s) by a mission manager who structures and coordinates the action, monitors the KPIs and ensures the success of the mission.

Our RPO solution
is particularly
suitable for:

  • Manage a massive recruitment plan with flexibility
  • Absorbing a peak in recruitments
  • Reduce your recruitment costs
  • Save time for your Hiring Managers
  • Improve the candidate experience and use the power of your employer brand
  • Start developing recruitment expertise internally
  • Build a talent pool that you can capitalize on over the long term
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Our customers talk about us

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“Our relationship of trust established over 2 years with Skillink does not stop strengthening year after year! Their reactivity and performance are key assets that we value at Ekimetrics. They demonstrate a thorough understanding of our recruitment challenges and a proactivity that allows them to fill strategic positions in our organization each time.”
Ioana Irimia
HRBP, Ekimetrics
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To go further, our FAQ

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Where does the RPO take place?

In order to better meet your requirements, our RPO consultants can either work from your premises directly within your team, or operate remotely from our offices. In both cases, they focus exclusively about your recruitment needs.

How long does an RPO last?

Again, we adapt to your requirements. Our RPO missions can last from 3 months to 1 year, or even longer depending on the context. Our consultants can intervene in “Full time”, that is to say full-time throughout the duration of the RPO mission or in “Part time”, 2 to 3 days per week.

What are the profiles of our RPO consultants?

Our RPO consultants are experts. They have all been trained in our direct approach and headhunting methods. Generally, they have a BAC+5 level of studies, such as a master's degree or equivalent and have between 1 and 5 years (sometimes more) of experience. With their experience in recruiting for various structures, they know how to integrate quickly within our customers' teams.

Can I choose the profile of the RPO consultant who will be involved in my mission?

Of course! In any case, it is up to you to choose! You know the profile of the RPO consultant (s) who will join your team before the start of the RPO mission. Prior to the signing of the mission contract, we send you one or more detailed CVs of RPO consultants available to work on your project. You meet them and select their profile (seniority level, experience in recruitment or on other HR topics) before launching a mission.

How much does an RPO cost?

Our RPO missions are invoiced on the basis of TJM of the RPO consultant (s) who work for your business. This usually varies from 350 to 650 euros per day depending on their level of experience and the duration of the mission you are looking for. It is also possible to choose a formula where the fees are paid in part according to the achievement of objectives to be defined. It depends on your recruitment challenges. Again, we are adapting!

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Discover all our services

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Specialized recruitment
Specialized recruitment

Recruit in busy jobs, secure your recruitment, save your Hiring Managers time

Executive Search
Executive Search

Strengthen your top management with a strategic profile, complete your management committee, recruit a manager capable of embodying your company (executive managers, C-Level)


Secure your sourcing, delegate all or part of your recruitment processes and reduce your costs

International recruitment
International recruitment

Find the best candidates around the world, ensure the recruitment of international profiles, recruit to support your international development

Interim management
Interim management

Quickly mobilize experienced talent, give yourself time to recruit the right person

Training your teams
Training your teams

Learn to recruit by yourself, train your teams to manage an ambitious recruitment plan, practice peer sourcing with experts.

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Boost your recruitments!