Recruiting IT profiles | We explain everything to you!

It profile


Olivia Canedo


June 2024
minutes de lecture

The Tech and IT sector offers everything a universe of specialized trades and advanced skills. With the digital transformation of businesses and the ever more rapid emergence of new technologies, are being created new technical skills. Profiles, skills, recruitment strategies, let's take stock of Tech recruitment in 2023.

I. Tech profiles: What skills and soft skills are the most in demand right now?

The most sought-after technical skills.

Candidates who have experience in programming languages, such as Python, JavaScript, Java, and C++, are highly sought after. These skills make it possible to develop web applications, software, data analysis tools for example.

Recruiters are also looking for candidates with expertise in databases, such as MySQL and Oracle. These skills make it possible to design and manage data storage systems for the companies that operate them.

Mobile development, artificial intelligence And themachine learning are in high demand. Experts in these emerging fields have a bright future ahead of them for companies in search of constant innovation and automation.

Today, technical skills are no longer enough. Having solid soft skills is essential to succeed in ever more collaborative organizations.

The most sought-after soft skills.

Recruiters are looking for candidates who have excellent communication and the ability to work in a team. Communicating clearly and concisely with teams and users, and being able to function effectively as a team to achieve common goals, are the two most popular soft skills.

THEadaptability is also a key part of Tech. Candidates must adapt quickly to project changes, technical developments, and unforeseen situations. They must be able to solve problems in a way creative.

The skills in Management of course, and in project management are essential for some positions. They make it possible to manage projects, to manage teams, to solve complex problems while respecting deadlines.

Une développeuse informatique devant des écrans qui se retourne en souriant.
Recruiting Tech profiles - Skillink explains everything to you!

II. What are the most sought-after technical jobs?

In the IT field, profiles are very varied, ranging from developers to data scientists to cybersecurity experts. Find here the most popular technical profiles in IT jobs.

Full-stack developers.

The mission of developers is to design, develop, and maintain software, applications, and websites. Developers intervene upstream on the server side, others on the front-end, on the client side. The full-stack profile intervenes to integrate the two harmoniously. It is highly sought after for its versatility and ability to adapt.

IT engineers or project managers.

IT engineers manage their projects from start to finish by identifying the resources needed, developing timelines, methodologies, and key performance indicators. They have technical, management, management and project management skills.

Data analysts or data scientists.

These IT professionals collect, analyze, and interpret data to help businesses make informed decisions. They have skills in programming, statistics, and data modeling. Data analysts are in high demand in business, finance, healthcare, and technology.

System and network administrators.

They manage and maintain computer systems, networks, and servers. They are responsible for setting up, installing, and maintaining servers, network equipment, and system software. They ensure good system performance and resolve failures. Absolutely essential.

Cybersecurity experts.

Cyber security experts specialize in protecting computers and data from online attacks and threats. They ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of sensitive information and computer networks. They are highly sought after in industry, finance, governments, and the media.

Experts in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML).

These experts develop algorithms and models that allow machines to learn and improve independently. AI and ML experts can work on speech recognition, image recognition, and the prediction of results, in finance, for example. Demand is constantly growing by companies looking to automate their processes.

Plusieurs développeurs informatique qui travaillent dans un open space.
Recruiting Tech profiles - We explain everything to you!

III. What are the best networks where to find IT profiles?

Recruiting IT jobs requires a thorough knowledge of the job market and specialized IT networks and channels because unfortunately for recruiters with Tech profiles can no longer count on job offers for their IT recruitment. So, let's find out where to find Tech and IT candidates?

Social networks.

An effective way to find candidates for IT positions. LinkedIn is the essential professional network that allows you to approach numerous profiles;

Specialized job boards.

Valuable sources of qualified candidates. Difficult to be satisfied with generalist recruitment platforms in Tech. Recruiters can use Dice, Stack Overflow Careers, or GitHub for developers;

Recruiting events.

Such as job fairs, conferences, forums, and meetups. They can be a great opportunity to meet potential candidates live. Numerous events are held in France and throughout Europe every year. See you at the International Cybersecurity Forum in Lille or at Digital and IT Exhibition from Paris!


This recruitment technique can be a new source of interesting applications. Co-optation aims to encourage its employees to recommend candidates from their own network, in exchange for compensation.

Professional mobility.

It is also a way to fill an IT position but this game of musical chairs leaves another vacancy, and a recruitment in perspective. Mobility also involves training to equip the candidate with the required skills. Real preparation is therefore essential.

First identification step validated! Now it's time for the conversion! On what criteria do IT professionals make their choice when they receive several simultaneous job offers? In a context of war for talent, prepare your arguments well and sharpen your recruitment process!

IV. What are the good arguments to convince and recruit candidates?

Suggest stimulating projects.

Above all, IT professionals are looking for stimulating, innovative and collaborative projects that allow them to work on cutting-edge technologies. Of course remuneration is an important element but in the IT field it is not always the first criterion. Learn to put your projects into perspective to allow them to understand how they can value their expertise and contribute to the success of the company. The project management method is also an important criterion, the agile methods will be preferred.

Have the Great Place to Work label.

Among the major criteria in Tech, the work environment, culture and values of the company. Present a corporate culture favorable to well-being of employees, of social activities to promote integration and team cohesion. Also talk about flexibility in the organization and working conditions for a good balance between professional and personal life. Communicate widely about your Employer Brand on social networks if you have values ofInnovation and Diversity.

Offer attractive remuneration.

IT professionals have highly specialized skills. In a context of shortage of profiles, the level of remuneration is always increasing. So to attract the best talent, offer attractive and competitive remuneration that matches the market. Work on it Remuneration package. Beyond the basic salary, especially if it is of an average level, you can offer a priority over goals, an end of year bonus, or participation to the benefits.

Offer prospects for evolution.

As we have understood, IT professionals are above all sensitive to projects and prospects for development. Career development involves the development of skills, talk about training to allow them to continuously stay up to date. Talk about a possible evolution to a position of DevOps, of project manager, or even CTO for some profiles. Give perspectives.

Adapt your recruitment processes.

Focus on short processes to avoid ghosting, the unexpected disappearance of your rare pearl. Your best asset: reactivity ! But don't overlook the selection process. Save your pre-selection by video for your first evaluation. Plan an interview with a manager and then in-depth tests (simulation, personality, etc.). If all the lights are green, go for it! Proposal, negotiation, commitment letter.

Maybe you're running out of time to search for the profiles you need? Or technicality to assess highly specialized skills. The cost of a failed recruitment can be very heavy and entrusting your recruitments to a specialized recruitment firm may be the solution.

Plusieurs personnes travaillent devant un ordinateurs sur du code informatique.
Recruiting IT profiles - We explain everything to you!

V. How to recruit IT profiles quickly and sustainably?

Depending on your problem, find the outsourced solution that suits you.

you need regularly recruit Tech or IT profiles : recruitment consultants specialized in IT or TECH draw from their talent pool the profiles adapted to your needs or, depending on the rarity of the profile, implement a dedicated and tailor-made headhunt starting directly from your needs;

your internal processes do not allow you to recruit quickly : recruitment agencies provide you with the first candidate profiles within a few weeks;

You have need an IT profile temporarily : consultants can put you in contact with managers or independent interim experts selected with the same level of quality as for permanent recruitment;

You need build or restructure an entire IT team to carry out your projects successfully: an RPO consultant is the ideal solution! It integrates your teams into your premises for this large-scale recruitment project;

You want internalize the recruitment of IT profiles or Tech but don't have the skills in-house? Some firms offer training activities to improve your teams' skills.

Do you need to recruit IT or Tech profiles quickly and sustainably, without the risk of making mistakes?

Contact our specialized headhunters to recruit with serenity and efficiency! And if you hesitate between An RPO recruitment strategy vs firm recruitment, in our articles you will find useful information to help you position yourself.

Finally, to tell us about your challenges, take contact with us.

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