Know how to optimize your LinkedIn profile

Linkedin profile


Olivia Canedo


June 2024
minutes de lecture

1- Take care of your grip to optimize your LinkedIn profile

It is often said that the first few seconds are decisive in making a choice. LinkedIn is no exception to the rule! Creating a LinkedIn profile is good, creating an effective Linkedin profile is better. To show Linkedin members that they are on an interesting profile from the first few seconds, be sure to take care of your hook to make a good first impression.

Adopt an adequate visual

To have a perfect LinkedIn profile, it is essential to have a profile photo and add a banner.
Before even starting to view your profile, LinkedIn members are confronted with the visual of your profile and here are some requirements.

As such, your profile photo and your banner are decisive in optimizing your window. Play the personalization card to the fullest.

For your Linkedin profile photo, if necessary, call on a photographer to show you in your best light. You will only come out of it more pleasant! Suggest a profile image or A sober photo and rewarding is always an asset. Also, insert A banner in accordance with what you want to represent is a good point: your field of activity, your company logo, or another visual, but not divisive.

Keep in mind that your LinkedIn profile works like a window. Your profile photo and banner influence the first impression of people visiting your profile. Pay attention to the resolution of your visuals, we say no to pixels that are too pronounced.

Opt for a powerful professional title

Your profile title appears directly under your profile photo and summarizes your professional identity. For that, it has to be eye-catching. A title that is too general or not very evocative will leave little chance for your profile to interest an ever more eager readership. Stand out with a powerful professional title!

To make the right choice, select and target the main and most searched keywords in your industry. Indeed, LinkedIn has a powerful search engine that points to pages containing the terms typed by recruiters and prospects. To put all the odds in your favor, Use vocabulary that is likely to match the search intent.

If you are actively looking for a job, think about recruiters. During their searches, before even looking at your profile, they see your name, profile photo and title appear on LinkedIn Recruiter. You must therefore make recruiters want to click on your profile by using a compelling, relevant and targeted title.

In addition, to be listed in recruiters' searches, you also need to customize the URL of your LinkedIn profile. In addition to ensuring that your professional profile is valued, customizing your URL allows you to increase your visibility with recruiters because your profile will stand out from the crowd during their searches thanks to organic referencing.

Choose relevant keywords in your presentation

At the top of the page, LinkedIn allows you to write a mini-presentation. Again, keep in mind the possibility of working on your natural referencing. Enhance your presentation with primary or secondary keywords in order to highlight your profile in as many searches as possible thanks to the LinkedIn algorithm.

Have you carried out a project from A to Z in a specific field? This is an opportunity to highlight this experience by using specific and evocative vocabulary, specific to your ecosystem or the one in which you want to evolve.

And you can finish writing this short paragraph by engaging your reader to take action: “you want to be supported in the management of... contact me”. This presentation also allows you to recall your missions in your current situation. If you are actively looking for something, this is an opportunity to highlight what you are looking for for new opportunities.

To help you write this presentation, use copywriting and storytelling techniques that will help you captivate the people who will visit your profile. Do not hesitate to look at the profiles of the people present in the LinkedIn discussion groups to see what is being done and to give you ideas.

Deux consultantes en recrutement dans des bureaux de startups

2 - Complete your resume in full to boost your SEO

Have you managed to hook your reader up to now? Perfect! The challenge will now consist in keeping it on your profile, by providing it with more details, which will set you apart from the other profiles with which you have been targeted.

Detail your skills: experiences and soft skills

As you would do in a typical resume, detail all of your professional experiences successful in line with your goals. Use rich vocabulary and include relevant keywords. Indicate and develop job titles, company names, start and end dates, work locations, assigned missions, and specific projects. Regularly, remember to update your profile to make it as complete as possible.

You can also place in this section your Soft Skills, these so-called “soft” skills, located between skills, qualities and personality traits. These transversal skills are highly sought after by recruiters: autonomy, ability to adapt, agile management, negotiation, team spirit, emotional intelligence, for example.

Finally, by linking each block of experience to the company's LinkedIn page, take advantage of the company's reputation and at the same time benefit from the automatic connection to new contacts to develop your network!

Specify your training course

Value and accurately describe your academic curriculum, as well as the trainings ongoing in line with your goals. They are a real added value to your profile, because not all candidates are qualified. If the School or the Trainer is recognized in your sector, do not hesitate to name him or her. Some recruiters do their research this way.

Again, don't forget to link your courses to the Schools' LinkedIn page to promote your referencing and develop your network, by automatically connecting with former students.

Value and describe precisely your academic curriculum, your training, your associative projects. Anything that highlights your skills and glorifies your profile is important.

The objective is to maximize your chances, professionalize your profile as much as possible and make it as personalized as possible.

Here again, do not forget to link your courses to the LinkedIn page of your schools, associations, training courses to promote your referencing and develop your network, through automatic networking for example or alumni networks.

Use the buttons to click

LinkedIn offers an interesting feature that makes it easier for recruiters to find: skill recommendations.

You can choose as many skills as you want from an exhaustive and rich list.

Depending on your training and professional experiences, select as many as possible to enrich your profile. Attention, the LinkedIn search engine takes into account their ranking and only displays the first three.

To access the other recommendations, visitors will need to press “see more.” It is therefore necessary to choose the skills to be valued but also those that recruiters are looking for.

Good to know : These buttons to click can be recommended by your contacts and thus reinforce the credibility of your profile!

Une personne qui travaille son profil linkedin sur ordinateur portable

3 - Be active on LinkedIn to gain visibility

To gain visibility and fully optimize your LinkedIn page, you still need to remain dynamic and bring to life the profile you have carefully worked on!

Bringing your LinkedIn profile to life

It is important to be present and visible on LinkedIn. To stay active, follow these essential best practices:

  • Send contact requests following LinkedIn's suggestions and responding to those made to you;
  • Post quality content regularly in your news feed (high value-added communication, sector intelligence, good tips, white paper, etc.);
  • Comment and share posts of your contacts to make you an influential connector;
  • Search for new relationships interesting for growing your network;
  • Join and participate in LinkedIn groups to increase your presence in your ecosystem;
  • Request them recommendations in order to reassure recruiters or prospects;
  • Add “media” links to your profile, links to social media, YouTube channels, for example, or to your site.

Namely, LinkedIn is a network that has millions of users around the world but where only 1% of users are active. So there is still time to make the most of its power, build a reputation and make your network want to follow you.

Setting up a Personal Branding

To go further and work on your communication in a global and harmonized way, why not start creating Personal Branding?

Attention, creating your Personal Brand requires a significant investment of time to be really profitable in the long term.

How to set up your personal branding? 

Setting up Personal Branding engages you in introspective preparatory work in order to highlight the characteristics that will come Define your brand.

Working on your Personal Branding on Linkedin can allow you to stand out. On the recruiter side, this values your skills and therefore your profile. On the network side, this allows you to interact with your network on topics specific to your ecosystem. Offer your network content that highlights your background, your successes, your doubts, your failures for example. Establish an editorial line, a graphic charter that will create your universe and allow your content to be credible and professional.

Then, you will have to attack the web: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube. Creating a blog may become necessary. Finally, stay active in your ecosystem, while maintaining control of your reputation, will become a daily activity.

In summary, what you need to remember to create an optimized Linkedin profile:

- Indicate your name

- Enter a simple email address

- A professional profile photo and cover photo

- A personalized URL

- Fill out your profile with the best keywords

- Get in touch with professionals

- Attach media to your profile (YouTube channel, twitter profile, instagram profile ect)

- Be active

- Set up Personal Branding

- Invite relationships to join your network

Now you know all the tips to optimize your LinkedIn profile and make it attractive. Now, maximize your chances by chatting with professionals on LinkedIn and activate the option to see who has viewed your profile, so as not to miss potential customers or the opportunity that suits you.

If you are an entrepreneur, consider also launching your business profile to promote the acquisition of new customers.

Now you have all the keys in your hands, it's up to you to play!

Once these optimizations have been made, we invite you to consult all our offers of current recruitment and apply directly with your Linkedin profile URL!

Personne mettant à jour son profil linkedin pour améliorer son personnal branding

Why is it important to optimize your LinkedIn profile?

It is essential to optimize your LinkedIn profile in order to establish your online presence in the professional world. By filling out your Linkedin profile with a professional photo and filling in your professional information such as your background, current position, and skills, you can target your profile to be visible in Linkedin search results and attract the right professional connections. A complete profile, with relevant keywords, will strengthen your image and credibility with recruiters, peers, and influencers, and will contribute to the exploration of new professional opportunities.

What are the mistakes to avoid when optimizing a LinkedIn profile?

When setting up or updating your LinkedIn profile, avoid mistakes such as not completing all sections, neglecting to specify your current professional profile, using an inappropriate photo, or lacking personality in your summary. It is crucial to avoid leaving sensitive personal information visible on your public profile. Don't underestimate the importance of keywords to be found in internal and external search engines.

How do you keep your LinkedIn profile up to date after initial optimization?

To maintain an optimal LinkedIn profile, engage with your network regularly by engaging with people, posting relevant content, and sharing your expertise. It is advisable to regularly update your professional experience, skills, and personal information to reflect your professional developments and additions. While using LinkedIn Premium features may offer some benefits to improve your profile, such as increased visibility, better access to your profile statistics, and tools for establishing targeted connections, they are not essential for optimizing your profile. You can take advantage of standard features to fill out, update, and interact effectively on your profile without necessarily requiring a Premium account.

Personal profile versus company profile?

The difference between a personal profile and a business profile on LinkedIn is their purpose, content, and intended audience.

A personal profile on LinkedIn is specifically dedicated to an individual. It highlights a person's career path, skills, experiences, and personal interests and accomplishments. This profile aims to promote and represent this individual in the professional context. It is often used to develop your network of contacts, to interact with other professionals, to find new opportunities or to develop your personal branding.

On the other hand, a LinkedIn company page is a representation of the business entity. It highlights the brand, corporate culture, employer brand, activities, products or services offered, as well as news and events related to the company. This profile aims to promote the brand, engage with potential prospects, recruit new talent, share professional content and strengthen the company's presence in the professional world. LinkedIn also offers powerful analysis tools to assess the performance of business pages. This data is useful for understanding the effectiveness of posts, measuring engagement, and adjusting content strategy to maximize business impact on the platform.

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