Why use an IT recruitment firm?


Olivia Canedo


June 2024
minutes de lecture

With the explosion of artificial intelligence, especially generative AI, big data, and technological innovations, almost all sectors of activity have needs for computer recruitment. In fact, the IT jobs (Information technology) are for many transversal and businesses need software and applications to manage their data, secure storage space, while benefiting from a service computer support efficient. Very coveted on the job market, the IT profiles are hard to find and businesses rely on general practices Or to specialized offices to respond to their recruitment needs and make their digital transformation projects a reality. How do these firms work? What is the point of using a IT recruitment agency to recruit ?

A continuously growing IT recruitment market

In a competitive job market, growth remains dynamic, despite a slowdown in recruitments announced in 2024 (+ 5.8%), compared to 2023 (+ 6.5%)[1].

State of employment in the IT sector

IT and IT jobs digital are still popular. A provider of jobs, the digital sector was responsible for one out of six recruitments in 2023, i.e. 47,000 new hires. The most promising sectors are financial services (banking and insurance), energy and industry, trade and consumer goods[2]. Despite a slowdown in recruitment and strong competition, startups also continue to show dynamism, with 23,000 net job creations.[3].

Thus, the IT recruitment agency Display Numerous vacancies, by profiles that are always in high demand, such as: data scientist, DevOps engineer, developer full stack, back end or front end developer, cybersecurity engineers or even computer architect, to design the structure of information systems (CRM, ERP, HRIS). Among the job offers published, some courses and specializations are in strong development.

New key positions in IT in 2024

With the acceleration of digital transformation, certain jobs and specific skills are highly sought after by IT recruitment agencies :

  • Generative AI : Democratized with Chatgpt, generative AI represents a gold mine for digital companies and their customers, who are looking to recruit data and machine learning engineers in particular.
  • Cybersecurity: Recurrent hacker attacks are capable of paralyzing a society. To mitigate risks and safeguard their data, many companies want to call on cybersecurity experts, creating tensions on these profiles [4].
  • The Cloud computing : This set of IT services (remote servers, storage, networks, databases...) reduces infrastructure costs and increases agility of use. Cloud engineers and big data are among the most requested profiles in this sector.
  • Responsible digital technology : With the awareness of the impacts of digital technology on the environment and the desire to limit their carbon footprint, some sectors are developing more, such as GreenTech. Others, such as Transport Tech and Fintech, are also among those who recruit the most.[5].

Moreover, while young graduates always have their place, one company out of two now prefers to hire experienced profiles.

Recruiting difficulties in the IT sector

The tensions that the IT sector encounters in terms of employment have several origins.

  • An imbalance between supply and demand

Les IT job offers are swarming on social networks like Linkedin, job sites such as theAPEC or even the portals specialized (Thursdays, VDE, free-work...). In 2023, 57,000 IT job offers were identified in the country[6]. They concern, among other things, positions ofsystems and network computer specialist, of computer technician, analyst, integrator, of maintenance technician etc. However, 10% of available jobs would not be filled[7].

  • A lack of trained people

The shortage of talent is being felt in the computer sector And the telecoms, in particular on developer and engineer profiles: development engineer, system engineer, data scientist, web developer. The lack of candidatures is due to a lack of digitally trained people, a sector of activity long a victim of stereotypes about geeks. Moreover, due to the lack of continuing education, knowledge quickly becomes obsolete in this field.

  • Strong competition

The growing needs related to the digitalization of businesses ande-commerce, associated with a shortage of candidates, create strong competition, as well as a strain on salaries. This is how some companies find it advantageous to use an IT recruitment firm and recruitment consultants specialized.

  • Pressure on wages

The imbalance between supply and demand, with candidates who are already very well paid but who are turning to the highest bidder, represents a real problem for businesses and in particular for small structures. Indeed, they encounter difficulties in aligning their salaries with larger competing companies and major accounts, who offer Remuneration higher. In addition, the lack of skills available on the market is hampering the growth of Digital Services Companies (ESN, e.g. SSII) and those of Technology Consulting Engineering (ICT).

The challenges of IT recruitment in startups

In a tense economic context, linked in particular to rising borrowing rates and a slowdown in financing, some startups must align themselves with the specificities of their region to benefit from investments.[8]. Faced with a crisis since the end of 2022, they have eliminated jobs but also created new jobs, and still continue to recruit.[9].

Recruiting to grow

The shortage of IT candidates, especially for positions in developer, is a major threat to the expansion of some French tech startups. In addition, their creators sometimes do not haveprofessional experience In the recruitment, and uncertainties remain as to the evolution of their structure. So, use a firm specialized in recruitment IT can help startups and other digital businesses find best profiles, see the rare pearl, and save them time. Thanks to recruitment by direct approach, a recruitment agency Tech is able to put forward relevant arguments to convince a future collaborator, at the same time promoting the employer brand, with the good reasons to postulate.

Valuing sustainability

For startups, deploying a strong employer brand is crucial to attracting best candidates, those who will also be ready to follow them on the adventure Start-up. To do this, the activity of the start-up, technological innovation, as well as social and societal responsibility can be highlighted. It's about valuing sustainability in every sense of the word. In the same spirit, responsible digital technology is more a part of the concerns of candidates on the market. This is reflected, for example, in strong growth in the Green Tech sector, with 5,000 jobs in 2023, or one in five recruitments.

What are the solutions to the talent shortage?

Having a global vision of the sector and the tensions it faces makes it possible to implement adapted solutions. A specialized firm can also provide advice to the client company to optimize the management of its talents and maintain its performance. Various approaches can be considered:

  • Consider continuing education as a lever for To provide the company's IT expertise needs and develop internal mobility.
  • Facilitate retraining with an approach to building a new one professional project. Bridges exist between certain professions.
  • Call on a freelancer on a computer project specific or pending the recruitment of ideal candidate.
  • Welcoming apprentices to train them.
  • Offer agile working conditions (hybrid, teleworking).
  • Demonstrate flexibility in the profiles to be recruited and be open to atypical candidates, giving less importance to diplomas, in favor of technical skills and practical experiences lived in the field.
  • Expand therecruitment activity throughout France and internationally.
  • Propose a remuneration policy with an interest in results.

Use a recruitment firm specialized in IT

In the computer field, the Headhunting is the preferred method of specialized recruitment agencies For the preselection Of good profiles.


  • Expertise recognized by candidates

Their seduction process is facilitated by the fact that the specialized consultants know the technical terms and the jargon of computer professions. Trained in computer science field, they are able to discuss with their targets the various languages, to speak java, Framework, information system, which makes them credible to potential candidates. In addition, they are legitimate to advise the end customer On the technical skills sought and have a Vivier highly qualitative.

  • Responsiveness and adaptability

As the needs for computer skills are constantly evolving, specialized recruitment agencies adapt their answers more easily since they have a better market knowledge. They can do better target The potential candidates, Those who correspond to profile wanted. Likewise, whether it is the recruitment of an executive, IT expert, Or of a support technician, recruitments are secure, with a guarantee of results. If the new collaborator Don't transform it trial period, the consultancy firm Start it again recruitment process in order to find a candidate operational With a successful experience.

  • An optimal candidate experience and employer brand

The advantage of recruitment by approach directly by a recruiter having a specialization is to more easily convince professionals already in office or passive candidates, who are not really in job search. The Headhunter can answer questions from each candidate and to give him the relevant information on the vacancy, thework environment, the company, the salary. The responsiveness of the direct approach contributes to the optimization of the candidate experience, while effectively promoting the employer brand of the customer, which helps the latter to stand out from its competitors.

Why use Skillink?

Dedicated to the world of tech, Skillink is among the best cabinets of recruitment in the ranking of the newspaper the Echoes with the highest score (5 stars), for the 4th year in a row. Recognized expertise, combined with a thorough knowledge of IT profiles, guarantees our credibility with candidates who are difficult to recruit.

For each exclusive recruitment, the firm sets up a dedicated team with several consultants in order to carry out a Sourcing volume and effective headhunting, entirely devoted to the needs of the customer. By providing itself with the human and material resources necessary to carry out each mission to its end, the firm guarantees the success of each recruitment.


[2]KPMG and Numeum, Wide Angle ESN & ICT, September 2022








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